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Data Quality

Updated: Oct 16

Good data quality is a strong foundation for excellent value in every step of the data process, from a single value in a dataset to more complex AI solutions. Measuring data quality helps organizations identify errors and inconsistencies in their data and assess whether their data fits its intended purpose.

Key factors in data quality:
- Timeliness
- Uniqueness
- Consistency
- Accuracy
- Completeness
- Validity

Data Quality - Accuracy
What is accuracy?
Accuracy reflects the extent to which data faithfully represents real-world objects, entities, or events. Accuracy is often assessed by comparing data values against a known and trusted reference, the “source of truth.

How to improve data quality:
- Improve accuracy through continuous monitoring and feedback loops.
- Ensure data originates from verifiable and trusted sources.
- Designate a primary data source and cross-reference other data sources.

Data Quality - Completeness
What is completeness?
Complete data contains all the required values and data types that the business requires. It should have minimal missing values and include associated metadata, providing essential context and definitions.

How to improve data quality:
- Implement data validation checks at the point of entry.
- Use data enrichment techniques to fill in missing values.

Data Quality - Validity
What is validity?
Validity ensures that data conforms to predefined business rules and standards, often referred to as “data standardization.” This ensures data is free from errors and meets industry or regulatory compliance requirements.

How to improve data quality:
- Establish and maintain data standardization.
- Set up rules like appropriate data types, value ranges, and business constraints.

Data Quality - Consistency
What is consistency?
Data is consistent when it remains uniform across different systems and datasets, with no conflicts between identical data values. Consistency extends to system synchronization and data updates to prevent discrepancies over time.

How to improve data quality:
- Define a master dataset as the authoritative source.
- Regularly compare and correct discrepancies.
- Train employees on consistent data entry practices.

Data Quality - Uniqueness
What is uniqueness?
Uniqueness is essential for maintaining data integrity, avoiding errors in analysis or operations, and ensuring that each record is uniquely identified. No duplicate records should exist within a dataset.

How to improve quality:
- Ensure distinct customer IDs for each customer.
- Regularly detect and resolve duplicates.

Data Quality - Timeliness
What is timeliness?
Data is updated as frequently as necessary, based on specific business needs. It must be available when needed for decision-making or operations. Timeliness should also account for latency in data pipelines to avoid delays in critical processes.

How to improve quality:
- Monitor data updates regularly to align with dynamic business needs.
- Implement automated alerts and scheduling for data updates.

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